Rebecca Steeves Realty


408 Route 540 Maxwell, New Brunswick E7N 2M3

Waterfront On Lake Acreage


Property consists of P.I.D. #s : 75399550, 01543263, 75458463, 75458414, 75264416, 01541945 & 01539733 P.A.N. #s 00822839, 00570568, 00568595, 05485653, 06651142 & 06031619. Approximately 40% of this acreage is wooded with about 50 years growth. There is also about 3 acres of waterfront on 1st Eel. There is power that runs to the waterfront. (id:19018)

Property Details

MLS® Number NB112766
Property Type Vacant Land
Features Treed
WaterFrontType Waterfront On Lake


UtilityWater Well


AccessType Year-round Access
Acreage Yes
Sewer Septic System
SizeIrregular 391.3
SizeTotal 391.3 Ac
SizeTotalText 391.3 Ac


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